• With 0% deposit
  • Over 72 months
  • 40% balloon payment
  • 10% linked interest rate
  • Retail price of R347 900
  • Rotal cost of R502 697
  • Retail price in accordance with 1 July 2022 pricelist.
  • Offers are subject to credit approval terms and conditions of Liquid Vehicle Finance, a product of WesBank, a division of FirstRand Bank Ltd. An authorised financial services and registered credit provider.
  • NCRCP20.
  • The monthly payment includes a once-off initiation fee (R1207,50) and excludes a monthly service fee (R69 per month).
  • Deal is for advertised specifications only.
  • On the road costs are excluded.
  • Features are model-dependent and may vary.
  • Model featured does not correspond with the offer shown.
  • T&Cs apply.